City+ Solution

City+ Solution 

The City+ Solution is an integrated smart city solution that focuses on technology and data to monitor and respond to the ever-changing needs of your city. Focusing on community safety, asset utilisation and data visualisation we deploy our technology through renewable energy sources such as hybrid solar & wind turbines.

Learn more with our datasheet

bird's eye view photography of houses

Community Safety 

At the core of what our solution provides is increased sense of community safety. Through the use of Smart CCTV at Bayside Council, we have been able to eliminate the problem of dangerous driving and anti-social behaviour in key hotspots across the LGA. 

Not only does the solution provide a security element through footage, our solution can also detect anti-social behaviours such as graffiti and alert the relevant authority to the event in real-time. The Bayside solution sees the automated infringement of illegally parked vehicles, which is often a contributing factor to anti-social behaviour.

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Asset Utilisation

Better understanding how, when and why an asset (especially a new or refurbished asset) is been used can ensure Council is providing a great space. Through the use of our platform, data can be used to more accurately design asset maintenance plans, cleaning schedules and ensure the asset is always useable. 

This also provides a improved management of the assets lifecycle. Rather than utilising industry models and forecasts, governments and asset owners can now accurately determine the condition and life of an asset through how often its used, how its used and by whom.

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Environmental Sustainability & Resilience

Better understanding how, when and why an asset (especially a new or refurbished asset) is been used can ensure Council is providing a great space. Through the use of our platform, data can be used to more accurately design asset maintenance plans, cleaning schedules and ensure the asset is always useable. 

This also provides a improved management of the assets lifecycle. Rather than utilising industry models and forecasts, governments and asset owners can now accurately determine the condition and life of an asset through how often its used, how its used and by whom.

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Hardware & Real-Time Monitoring 

Our hardware boasts processing power that is unrivalled for it size factor, with heat and power generation carefully managed, we can deploy our technology using renewable energy sources, in any environment across the globe. Partnering with defence and aerospace manufacturers in Israel, our hardware is designed to the toughest standards in the world. 

Deployment of the RTM solution enables you to monitor your CCTV network in real-time. Understand the status of each site, server, and camera, in a simple and streamlined browser-based portal. Stay on top of camera health and understand performance by having it at your fingertips. 

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 Point of Sale Screens

 Europa Micro Server

 Ant Micro Servers

Hybrid Pole Solution

building photography

GPU Server

Analytics & Insights

Our clients can extract valuable metadata to use in future projects, or better understand how their community, customers or visitors use and interact with their buildings/ open spaces. 

We work with our clients to determine the number of people utilising a space, peak and trough times for usage, high visitation areas and forecast future usage based on historic trends. Combined with weather data, seasonality and other factors, we can create a model that accurately provides a future forecast. This information can also be presented to the public, providing an improved customer experience in terms of asset availability and community inter-connectedness.

Interested in learning more about the City+ Solution? 

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